Schlumbergera lutea
Calvente & Zappi nom. nov. Mol Phyl & Evol 58: 456-468. 2011
= Rhipsalis epiphylloides Porto & Werderm., Jahrb. Deutsch.
Kakteen-Ges. 1(7): 47. 1935.
H. epiphylloides (Porto & Werderm.) Buxb., syn nov. H.
epiphylloides (Porto & Werderm.)
Buxb. subsp. epiphylloides, syn nov.
Hatiora epiphylloides (Campos-Porto &
Werd.) F Buxbaum in Kakt.and Sukk.8:116(1957)
Info from Backeberg’s Lexicon 1975
- Body -. an epiphytic low shrub;
- Branches - shortly segmented, segments to 2.5 cm long. c. 1 cm broad,
margins strongly notched;
- Areoles - naked, minute;
- Flower - solitary apical. c. 1 cm long. Flowers do occur exceptionally
on the margins, just as sometimes seen in Zygocactus
Hatiora epiphylloides ssp. epiphylloides
DISTRIBUTION. - Brazil (NW Rio de Janeiro): Serra da Mantiqueira (Itatiaia),
epilithic and epiphytic in montane cloud forest, c. 800-1600 -.m altitude.
In terms of herbarium collections this taxon appears to be known only
from the type, as cited above. It is represented in a few living collections,
but survives and flowers only with difficulty and can be easily con¬fused
with forms of Schiumbergera russel¬liana when sterile. Its conservation
status is cause for concern even though at least part of its habitat
is included within a national park.
Desc from Hunt 2006.
Branch segments flat 2-2.5 x1 cm, with 1-2 crenations on each side;
areoles spineless; flower apical on branch segment, 1cm; pericarp
strongly 4 angled, yellow; tepals 6 x 2-2.5mm; stamens 10-12; style
3-4mm; stigma 3