R. Funalis De Candolle
in Prodromus Systematis Naturalis Regni Vegetabilis 3 : 475-476. 1828
(page 476).
3. R. FUNALIS (Salm-Dyck cat. hort. Dyck.) erectiuscula, ramis longis
teretibus obtusis
subglabris sparsè punctatis spinulis minutissimis solitariis appressis.
? in Americâ
merid. Cactus funalis Spreng. syst. 2. p. 496. R. grandiflorus Haw. rev.
72. suppl. 83.
Hook. in bot. mag. t; 2740. Setae pallidae arctè appressae regulariter
distantes. Flores
numerosi albidi vix unciales. Flores lactei, petalis imbricatis obtusis.
Stigm. 4 rotata.
English Translation
Plant mostly erect, branches long tubular, blunt. sub glabrous, few spots,
a very small single appressed spine. Growing in South America. Pale bristles
closely appressed at regular intervals. Numerous white flowers barely
an inch long. Flowers wheel shaped, milky, petals over lapping, blunt.
Stigma has 4 lobes.
Treated as a synonym of R. grandiflora by B&T in Bradleya 13
R funalis (cord-like); Fig. 89.
Detail from Cactus Culture –Watson 1889
-Stem straggling, branched. Branches numerous, composed of long, terete
joints, rather thicker than a goose-quill, glaucous-green, slightly roughened
on the surface, with depressions for the dot-like cushions. Branchlets
usually fascicled and spreading. Flowers white, produced in spring, on
the sides of the young joints, 1 in. across, large for the genus. Introduced
from Central America about 1830. An easily-grown plant, sturdy, rather
straggling, but very free-flowering. In old specimens the branches become
semi-pendulous. It grows best when kept in a warm house. Syn. R grandiflora.
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