R. minutiflora K. Schumann in Martius, Flora Bras. 4 (2):
271. 1890.
Reduced to synonymy under R baccifera ssp baccifera by
Barthlott and Taylor Bradleya 13
Treated as a synonym of R. cassutha by Britton and Rose 1923
Info from Backeberg’s Lexicon
- Body. shrubby, freely branching;
- Shoots forking, very slender, to 20 cm long., scarcely 1 mm thick,
light green;
- Areoles. minute, shortly felty, sometimes with only 1 bristle rising
from the tiny deciduous scale;
- Flowers. scattered along the terminal shoots, only c. 2 mm long,
rotate, white;
- Ovary. ellipsoid, scaly;
- Fruit. ?
Habitat -Surinam (former Dutch Guiana).
2. RHIPSALIS MINUTIFLORA K. SCH. Martius, Flora Bras. 4 (2):
271. 1890
caulibus et ramis gracillimis tenuibus teretibus sicc. longitudinaliter
striatis, dichotome ramosis glabris; foliorum squamis minutissimis triangulari-ovatis
emersis caducissimis, axillis squamularum ?bellatis et aculeo solitario
minutissimo subulato curvato ?itis; floribus solitariis in ramulis dissitis
aculeo per¬sistente suffultis; ovario oblongo longitudine duplo
diametrum superante emerso glabro squamula solitaria laterali onusto,
?loculari; perigonii phyllis exterioribus minutissimis late triangularibus
obtusis firmioribus, mediis ovalibus, intimis , ?longis obtusis membranaceis
; staminibus paucis perigonii phyllis maximis quadrante brevioribus,
filamentis tenerrimis antheris didymis minutissimis; stilo absque stigmatibus
stamina subaequante, in stigmata 4 conniventia brevia papillosa ?viso.
Rhipsalis funalis Miq. ß. gracilior in Pl. Kappler.
n.1720; , Salm-Dyck
RAMI teretes 10—20 cm. longi, 1 mm. vel vix 1,5 mm. diametro,
? laete virides vel pallidi. SQUAMAR 0,5 mm. longae rubescentes; ACULEI
? summum 2 mm. longi, squamis simillimi sed e villo parco axillari ?pentes.
OVARIUM 2,5—3 mm. longum, 1—1,5 mm. diametro, basi ?datum
apice snbcontractum, squamula vix 0,5 mm. longa ornatum. Phylla perigonii
0,3—0,5—1—1,5—2 mm. longa, intima vix 1 mm.
STAMINUM filamenta 2 mm. longa, antherae vix 0,3 mm. diametro. STILUM
?mm longus, stigmata vix 0,5 mm. longa, in flore examinato in massam
?em unicam conglutinata.
Habitat in Surinama : Hostmann n. 393, Wullschlagel; in districtu ?
Surinamensi : Kappler n. 1720.
Obs. Rhipsalidem cassytam Gartn. in memoriam revocans species
? ramis tenuioribus floribus duplo et ultra brevioribus et praesertim
? ovarii facile diagnoscenda.
Translation to English
RHIPSALIS MINUTIFLORA K. SCH. Martius, Flora Bras. 4 (2): 271.
- Plant stem and branches thin, graceful, tubular, with longitudinal
striations when dry, branches dichotomous, glabrous,
- Scales leaflike, very small, triangular-ovate, sunken, very soon
dropping off, axils of the scales ‘something’ and a single
spine, very small, subulate curved ‘something’.
- Flowers single, well spaced on the branches, supported by a persistent
- Ovary oblong, twice as long as wide, borne laterally and above the
sunken glabrous solitary scale, ?multilocular.
- Tepals external ones very small, wide triangular, blunt, very thick,
middle ones oval, innermost ?oblong, obtuse, membranaceous.
- Stamens few, shorter than the largest tepals by one quarter, filaments
slender with very small anthers divided into two lobes, style without
stigmas almost equaling the stamens, divided into 4 short, papillose,
converging stigmas.
Rhipsalis funalis Miq. ß. gracilior in Pl. Kappler.
n.1720; , Salm-Dyck
Branches tubular, 10-20cm long, 1mm or barely 1.5mm diam. ‘something’,
bright green or paler.
- Scales 0.5mm long, reddish.
- Spines ‘something’, at the most 2mm long, similar to
the scales but with a liitle wool in the axils ‘something’.
- Ovary 2.5-3mm long, 1-1.5mm diam., base ‘something’
tapering to the tip, with a scale barely 0.5mm long.
- Tepals 0.3 – 0.5 – 1.5 – 2mm long, inner ones
barely 1mm
- Stamens filament 2mm long, anthers barely 0.3mm diam.
- Style 2mm long, stigmas barely 0.5mm long, in floral examination
glued into a ‘something’ mass
Habitat in Surinam : Hostmann n. 393, Wullschlagel; in district ‘something’
Surinam: Kappler n. 1720.
Observation; Rhipsalis cassutha Gaertn. is recalled to mind
with this species, ‘something’ branches slender, flowers
twice as and more shorter, and especially the ‘something’
ovary is easily seen