Rhipsalis sarmentacea (runner-stemmed); Fig. 90. -A creeping, prostrate plant, with round stems as thick as a goose-quill,
and attaching themselves to tree-trunks or other bodies by means of
numerous adventitious roots, which spring from the under side of the
stems. Surface of stem furrowed, and covered with numerous small clusters
of short, hair-like, whitish spines. Flowers 1 in. across, springing
from the sides of the stems, with pointed, creamy-white petals; stamens
spreading; stigma erect, four-lobed. Fruit small, currant-like. This
is a pretty little species, introduced from Brazil in 1858; it is, however,
a very slow grower, plants ten years old being only a few inches in
diameter. It should be grown in stove temperature, in a basket of peat
fibre, or, better still, on a piece of soft fern-stem. It is always
found on the branches or trunks of trees when growing wild.